Friday, October 10, 2014

Chicken in Mexican Cream Sauce

Going back to my hometown roots today. 
I may live in Utah, but I will always be a Mexican girl. I am pretty sure I could never live there again (nope, positive), but it’s where I spent a big chunk of my life and where all of my extended family still lives. So, it will always be apart of me… and I like that. Plus, it’s where I learned what real Mexican Food is suppose taste like. To be honest I know that my mom was right to try to make me learn how to cook back then but I didn't so now Im learning and coming up with new recipes so I hope you enjoy this one because is Cam's favorite. 

Hoy decidí volver a mis raíces. He de vivir en Utah pero siempre seré Mexicana. No estoy segura si volver a vivir en la ciudad de México, pero es donde pase una gran parte de mi vida y donde toda mi familia vive. Por lo tanto, siempre será parte de mi.
Además es donde aprendí como se supone que la comida Mexicana debe de saber.
Para ser honesta, se que mi mama tenia razón al tratar de ensenarme a cocinar pero no quise y ahora estoy aprendiendo con la practica y experimentando nuevas recetas como esta. Espero la disfruten y les guste como a Cam.

Pollo a la Crema / Chicken in Cream Sauce 

Start to Finish: 50 minutes    /    Principio a fin : 50 minutos

Ingredients  / Ingredientes 
  • 3 skinless boneless chicken breast, cut into thin strips  /  3 pechugas de pollo sin piel y cortadas en fajitas. 
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder  /  2 cucharaditas de chile en polvo (sasonador) 
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil / 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva 
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt / 1 cucharadita de sal kosher 
  • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onions / 1 cebolla cortada en rodajas finas 
  • 2 cloves garlic / 2 cabezas de ajo 
  • 2 or 3 fresh poblano chile pepper , seeded and sliced  (Because chile peppers contain volatile oils that can burn your skin and eyes, avoid direct contact with them as much as possible, when working with chile peppers, wear plastic or rubber gloves, if your bare hands do touch the peppers, wash your hands and nails well with soap and warm water). /  2 o 3 chiles poblanos sin semillas y rebanado.( Debido a que los chiles contienen aceites volátiles que pueden quemar la piel y los ojos, eviten el contacto directo con ellos tanto como sea posible , cuando se trabaja con los chiles , usen guantes de plástico o goma , si sus manos tocan los pimientos , lávese las manos y las uñas bien con agua tibia y jabón)
  • 8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced / 1 taza de hongos (champinones) rebanados
  • 2 cups thin strips red, orange and/or yellow sweet peppers  / 2 tazas de pimiento morron (rojos, naranja y amarillo) 
  • 3/4 cup Mexican crema or sour cream / 3/4 de taza de Crema Mexicana 
  • 1/4 cup shipped fresh cilantro / 1/4 de taza de cilantro fresco cortado finamente 
  • Optional 2 cups of rice. / 2 tazas de arroz blanco (opcional).

  1. In a medium bowl combine chicken strips with chili powder, 1/2 reason of salt and (optional) 1 teaspoons of  knorr suiza.  /  En un tazón mediano mezcle las tiras de pollo con chile en polvo , media razón de sal y (opcional) 1 cucharadita de Knorr suiza .

2. In an extra large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and onion; cook for a minute and then add the chicken, cook about 5 minutes or until no longer pink. /  En un sartén grande caliente el aceite a fuego medio. Agregue el ajo y la cebolla, cocine por un minuto y luego agregue el pollo y déjelo cocinar por 5 minutos o hasta que el color sea rosado.

3. Add the poblano and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add mushrooms and sweet peppers. Cover and cook about 8 minutes more or until tender, stirring occasionally. / Añada el chile poblano y la sal restante. Tape y cocine por 5 minutos moviendo ocasionalmente. Agregue los champiñones y pimiento morrón. Tape y cocine unos 8 minutos mas o hasta que estén tiernos, moviendo ocasionalmente.

4. Stir in crema and cooked chicken, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the skillet. Reduce heat to medium low. Stir in cilantro. Season to taste with additional salt. 
If desired serve with Mexican Red Rice or like Cam likes it white rice. /  Agregue la crema quitando los pedazos que estén dorados del fondo del sartén. Reduce el fuego lento. Añada el cilantro. Sazone al gusto con sal adicional. Si les gusta sirva con arroz rojo o blanco como le gusta a Cam.

This recipe makes 6 servings. Per 11/3  cup serving: 277 calories. 
Esta receta es para 6 porciones. Por cada 1 1/3 taza (porción) son 277 calorías. 

Happy Friday everyone, have a wonderful weekend and thank you for reading!
Que tengan un excelente Viernes y un maravilloso fin de semana, Gracias por pasar! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Provo Fashion Week

Hey friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. 
If you're a local to Utah, definitely mark this in your calendars, Provo Fashion Week.It will be such a fun event, you don't want to miss out! 
Provo Fashion Week was founded in Spring 2014 as a semi-annual event to bring together local independent fashion designers, fashion style bloggers, photographers, industry insiders, and fashion-lovers. The upcoming Fashion Week consists of private events, pop-up shops, and runway shows that will take place October 10th and 11th at the Provo City Library, 550 N University Ave, Provo, UT 84601. Spring 2015 Provo Fashion Week is scheduled for March.
Fall Provo Fashion Week consists of three runway shows – one on Friday evening, and two on Saturday. Pop-up shops featuring many of our independent designers along with multiple local boutiques will be open during our private event on Friday and will also be open to the public from 2:30pm-10:00pm on Saturday (except during show times). Tickets are available exclusively online and prices range from $10-20.
I probably go to see how is the new experience and also have fun with my sister in law. Definitely a fun activity to share with your girlfriends. 
Click here to purchase tickets!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall Bucket List with your love one.

I’m so excited for this fall season! In Mexico City at this time of year we have beautiful sunsets and a lot of rain. But when I moved to Utah I learned that Autumn is a season to fall for. Is something in the air - in that beautiful crisp air that banishes the sweat of summer for another 9 months and begs me to curl up in a blanket or cuddle with me handsome husband by a fire.

This is our third fall together, Cam and I had a tough fall last year because I was in a car accident and I was recovering for almost 5 months. I made this list so we can enjoy every weekend together and use our time the best we can before thanksgiving. We live just ones!

I hope you get good ideas for you and your love one, or you and family, and don’t forget about friends.

  Go to a pumpkin patch. I have no memory of a pumpkin patch and because in Mexico City we don’t have those, for some reason that just seems wrong so we need to go and enjoy the colors and the fun of it. This year we won't be picking up our pumpkin from the grocery store :) 
  Hike a scenic trail. Cam and I spend lots of time outside but not to much exercising we aren't big into hiking but when we do it we enjoy it a lot so our motivation will be the colorful leaves, in Utah we have this amazing canyons that are picture perfect so I just feel we need to take advantage from it.
  Get lost in a corn maze. Gone are the days of strategically planning who you go through with, but I have a feeling it will be just as fun and even more.
  Explore a farmers market. I have diverse jams on my shopping list. I feel like jam should be something purchased only at a farmers market specially when I live 5 minutes walking distance from the garner village farmers market.
  Bake a new recipe, together (bonus if it includes pumpkin, apple or cinnamon). I love cooking (something new since we got married), and Cam is quite the cook (just for breakfast tho), but it’s not something we enjoy occasionally together. Fall spices can fix this. 
  Get cultured (play, orchestra, or dance performance). Fall marks the start of performing seasons for lots of companies and new exhibits at many museums. I'm hoping to get inspired by some tickets for a fun play.
  Laugh at the zoo. Get tickets to the zoo and without the heat or the crowds, fall is the perfect time to use them. I imagine some animals are more fun to watch in the fall, less lethargic sans summer heat. 
  Find a lake, wear a sweater, and play some Frisbee. There's no ocean here or that’s where I'd head. Large bodies of water are fun to cool off in during the summer, but I think they're equally as enjoyable under a layer of knit in a cool breeze. 
  Read a book together. We both have goals to do a little more pleasure reading so I love this idea of reading the same book (either separately at the same time, out loud to each other, or listening to it on tape) so we can talk about it. 
  Cuddle on the balcony. The cool evenings call for down comforters and night’s outdoors. I'm not sure we'll get much camping in this season.
  Star gaze while drinking hot chocolate. If the hot chocolate is hazelnut or mint the night will be even better. 
  Enjoy a final picnic. Picnics might sound summery but imagine pumpkin baked goods, oatmeal knit sweaters, and walnut salads surrounded by a sea of red and yellow leaves. It sounds like perfection to me.
  Checking out a haunted house. We just when to this outdoor indoor hunted house with my sister in law and boyfriends and we had so much fun. Even though Cam pushed me, hug me, and scream all the time was a blast.
  Football game. This is our Friday date, a Friday Night Lights kind of date. Our little bother is a senior in high school and he is in the football team, all my family in law loves football so is law for us to be there.
  Fare states. The colors, smells, the food and the whole experience is so much fun!
  Have a scary move night. We are watching a scary movie every weekend until Halloween and its fun when we do it with others. 
  Horseback riding
  Going on a hay ride
  Apple picking/ apple cider mill visiting
  Playing in the leaves
  Dress in a couples costume
  Make caramel apples
  Go to a Halloween party
  Host a chili cook-of
  Shop for new Fall Clothes
  Share stories by the bonfire
  Watch Hocus Pocus
  Carve a pumpkin
  Host a (Halloween theme) baking-off
  Take a foggy morning walk
  Celebrate Dia de los muertos (set an ofrenda for my family)

We are so excited for this season!! Are you? 

What activities are on your to-do list this fall?